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We can offer your business what we do best - become a qualified and reliable provider of vehicle safety services
Compulsory technical inspection
Technical inspection of historic vehicles
We can offer your business what we do best - become a qualified and reliable provider of occupational safety services
Occupational safety and health
Inspection of potentially hazardous installations, inspection of playgrounds, certification of lifts, RID, SMGS, ADR
Inspection of transportable pressure equipment
Useful information for the owner of a PPI
Inspection of potentially hazardous installations
Risk assessment of equipment, CE marking, functional safety calculations, Electrophysical measurements, Explosion risk assessment (ATEX), Inspection of ladders and racks
Technical assessment of installations
Risk assessment of old work equipment
Machinery Safety Directive 2006/42/EC and CE marking
Safety in robotic industrial cells
Safety of sports and active leisure equipment
Inspection of racks (warehouse equipment) and ladders
Work on wind turbines - electrophysical measurements and testing, equipment inspection and testing
Training and refresher courses on various safety topics
We carry out certification of construction products and prepare national technical assessments.
Certification of electricity workers.
In cooperation with our partners TÜV Nord, we provide certification of welding personnel (welders and welding operators) and validation of welding procedures.
Certification of energy workers
Certification of welding personnel and approval of welding procedures
Distance training
Tuvlita UAB is a member of the TÜV Nord group of companies (TÜV Nord Group). The TÜV Nord Group's objective is to ensure a safe environment by protecting people, nature and material assets from the potentially harmful effects of machinery. TÜV Nord has more than 14,000 employees and operates in more than 70 countries around the world (Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America).
TÜV® is one of the best-known brands not only in Germany but also worldwide. Products bearing the TÜV label are identified with impartially verified quality and safety. The TÜV mark can only be used by TÜV companies, including and Tuvlita UAB.
TUVLITA UAB is a member of the international TÜV Nord group of companies