Training for the employer's authorised persons (heads of internal departments) 

The training is organised remotely once a month. For a schedule of upcoming training sessions, please see here

It is possible to organise individual training at your company according to your needs.

 The training is intended for the head of a unit or other employee who has been entrusted by the employer or the person representing the employer with the task of implementing occupational safety and health requirements in an undertaking, establishment or organisation or in a structural unit of the undertaking.

Training is provided when the company's branches are not remote from the main branch and do not have a separate legal status.

The aim of the training is to familiarise appointees with the provisions of occupational safety and health legislation, and the basic principles of setting up and implementing an occupational safety and health system.

Knowledge testing is carried out immediately after the training, unlike for employers and their authorised, responsible persons, whose knowledge testing is carried out by the State Labour Inspectorate under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania (SLI).


We organise training throughout Lithuania

+370 633 93000 +370 660 91195